Clinical setting

About our Medical Director

Outline of the rotation Includes

Goals and objectives of the clerkship

Learn indications, mechanism of psychiatric medications:

Get exposure to most common psychiatric disorders

ADHD- all you need to know

Alcohol related disorders

Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Bipolar and related disorder

Cannabis abuse disorders

Clinical Interview/assessment

Common Psychiatric Disorders

Common psychiatric screening tests

Communicate with pts families

Cultural issues in psychiatry

Different forms of psychotherapy

ECT and other modalities

Geriatric psychiatry

Informed consent and confidentiality

Legal and ethical issues

Suicide/homicide - Prevention and more

Use and abuse Benzodiazepines

Child psychopharmacology

Cultural issues in psychiatry

Women's Psychiatric Disorders

Must know DSM 5 Changes

Opioid Dependence

Personality disorders

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Pregnancy and Psychotropic Medications

Psychiatric Emergencies


Schizophrenia & other Psychotic Disorders

Sleep disorders

Substance abuse and addiction

Prescription drug abuse

Suicide and violence-related topic

Mental status examination

Suicide and violence-related topic