Outline of the rotation Including but not limited to learning:
- Comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and presentation and documentation
- Comprehensive mental status examination
- Coming up with the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment plan
- Common symptoms & common psychiatric diagnoses
- Recognizing Psychiatric emergencies
- Assess suicidal homicidal ideations
- voluntary and involuntary commitment
- Helping with exploring different options in residency

Indications, mechanism of action, dosage, interactions major side effects of the following
Sleep medications
Anti-anxiety medications
Mood stabilizers
Medications for Substance Abuse
ADHD medications
Electroconvulsive Therapy, TMS, VNS, etc
Clinical activities:
- Seeing new patients on a daily basis
- Seeing follow up patients on a daily basis
- Documentation of initial evaluation and follow up visits
- Presenting cases after seeing the patients
- Discussing symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment plan.
- Seeing patients with the most common psychiatric disorders- like MDD, Bipolar, ADHD, anxiety, schizophrenia, PTSD, etc
- Seeing substance abuse and dual diagnose patients
- Assignments about the particular psychiatric condition, medications and any interesting topic
- Publishing a case report if interested
- Important USMLE examination related questions

Learn indications, mechanism of psychiatric medications:
Week 1
- Clinical Interview/assessment
- Mental status examination
- Common Psychiatric Disorders
- Common antidepressants
week 2
- MDD and other depressive disorders
- Common antidepressants
- Bipolar and related disorder
- Common Mood stabilizers
week 3
- ADHD- all you need to know
- Anxiety and Panic Disorders
- Common anxiety medications
- Schizophrenia & other Psychotic Disorders
- Common anti-psychotics
Week 4
- Substance abuse disorders
- Opioid Dependence
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Pregnancy and Psychotropic Medications
week 5
- Suicide and violence-related topic
- Psychiatric Emergencies
- Delirium & Dementia-related topic
- Personality Disorders
week 6
- Defense Mechanism
- Autism and related disorders
- Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in Psychiatry
- Recommendation letters