Goals & Objectives of Preceptorship

Outline of Rotations

Overall Rich and Thorough Experience in Psychiatry

Gain a comprehensive understanding of psychiatric practice through theory and hands-on experience.

Evaluation in Core Competency

Master core competencies like diagnostic skills, treatment planning, and patient interaction.

How to Do a Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation and Present the Case

Learn the process of conducting thorough evaluations and presenting patient cases.

Comprehensive Mental Status Examination

Understand the components of a complete mental status exam (MSE).

Master accurate documentation of patient information and treatment plans.

Master accurate documentation of patient information and treatment plans.

Recognize Common Symptoms & Psychiatric Diagnoses

Familiarize yourself with the common symptoms and diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders.

Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment Plan

Develop a clear diagnosis, identify differential diagnoses, and create a treatment plan.

Publishing, Book Writing, Improving Scores, and Residency Exploration

Publish articles, write a book, improve psychiatry exam scores, and explore residency options.

Recognize Psychiatric Emergencies

Identify psychiatric emergencies and ensure appropriate responses to safeguard patients.

Explore Common Psychiatric Disorders

ADHD- all you need to know

Alcohol related disorders

Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Bipolar and related disorder

Cannabis abuse disorders

Clinical Interview/assessment

Common Psychiatric Disorders

Common psychiatric screening tests

Communicate with pts families

Cultural issues in psychiatry

ADHD- all you need to know

Alcohol related disorders

Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Bipolar and related disorder

Cannabis abuse disorders

ADHD- all you need to know

Alcohol related disorders

Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Bipolar and related disorder

Cannabis abuse disorders

ADHD- all you need to know

Alcohol related disorders

Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Bipolar and related disorder

Cannabis abuse disorders

ADHD- all you need to know

Alcohol related disorders

Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Bipolar and related disorder

Cannabis abuse disorders